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Saturday, September 15, 2012

Why I Lost Poker Night.

First I would like that mention that Jamie is a great person and I only make fun of the ones I love. Except I do hate his blog, so here we go.

There I was in second place. I was close, so close to winning the game. If I got two lucky hands, I would be the owner of 4 dollars and 2 I.O.U's. To my left, the man in women's sunglasses smugly calls everything I raise. The boy across from me starts squeaking angrily about the cards he keeps getting. The dealer has lost everything. And to the right is Fabrizio, but he isn't important.

This is poker night.

The football game is blaring behind me, and UT is losing badly. I think they should have done more blitzes because Florida always walks it out, but what do I know.

Pictured: Football

I have an 8 and a 5. I start cackling. "Cackle," I cackle, and the man in women's sunglasses glares at me. The boy who squeaks folds, and he flails his hands because Boy Scouts are weird. The boy is Jamie.

Pictured: Jamie W. as a child.

What should I do? Should I fold? No, I can't fold. Then I'd be just like Jamie, the squeaky boy scout.
No, I raise 1000. Smug kid calls it. I cackle. The cards are out, and I have nothing, but my nothing is better than Smuggy, who is too embarrassed to introduce us to his girlfriend. Too bad, because Jamie and the dealer alright followed Smuggy to his girlfriend's house!

Pictured: Jamie now.

HAHAHAHAAHAHAHA. "I won" I say. But wait, who is taking the chips? Those aren't my hands. My hands are beautiful, and his are chunky and horrible.

It was Fabrizio. 


And then I tried to cackle, but I cried instead.

Lesson of the day: Fabrizio exists, and he never folds whenever I forget that he does.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

I'm Back! For America!

Hey everyone! Sorry I was away for so long! I decided to watch Jamie's blog train wreck away while I festered in school work and procrastination. Also, I decided I can swear a little bit since this doesn't have my real name on it anywhere! Seriously look! It's not here! Suck it Colleges! Whores!

That was the only clean and funny college photo I could find! The rest were full of beer and partial nudity! Thank you Moderate Safety Google Image Search!

Anyway, here is some gossip!

1: Levi Johnston, who knocked up Sarah Palin's daughter, had another baby! And he named it Breeze Beretta! Like the gun! Natural Selection, you prankster, letting all these people through our gene pool.

Pictured: How many southerners picture Charles Darwin.

2: I don't know who Vince Lombardi is, and people have been laughing at me. Who is he?

People already laughed at me when I asked what kind of pasta he was.

3: Apparently, This happened. If you don't want to read that, here's the opening line: "In July 2012, three aging anti-nuclear activists, including an 82-year-old nun, cut through fences surrounding the "Fort Knox" of uranium storage, and U.S. lawmakers want to know how that was possible."

I always thought Fort Knox held gold, not uranium. ALso, the part about THE GODDAMNED NUN.

HAppy renewed interest in my blog everyone!